Lyusova O.V. Subjective Well-Being in the Context of Russian Family Life


Oksana V.  Lyusova

Candidate  of  Psychological Sciences, Associate  Professor, Department  of  Psychology,

Volgograd Academy  of  Physical  Culture

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Lenina  St.,  78,  400005  Volgograd,  Russian Federation

Abstract. Single mothers in Russia are not fully accepted by the traditional modern society. The image of a woman raising children alone is less attractive than that of a married mother. In addition to the negative impact on the personality characteristics of children brought up in single families single motherhood is associated with the low level of subjective well-being of the woman herself. The problem of happiness (subjective well-being) excited the minds of great scientists from ancient times. This phenomenon has received different names in science: subjective well-being, psychological well-being, emotional well-being, life satisfaction, similar names: psychological health, psychological maturity of the individual, personal maturity. Theoretical analysis of scientific approaches allows to identify the structure and criteria of subjective well-being of a person, to reveal the essence of this concept. The article makes an attempt to identify methods of psychological assistance to single mothers. Particular attention is paid to the methods of art therapy. The purpose, tasks, mechanisms (projection, symbolism, interiorization), advantages of art therapy in work with women are designated, among which ecological compatibility and care in relation to human experiences are recognized as the most important. The main task of art therapy is to achieve the harmonization of personality, balance between the main structures of the human personality where defined tasks, functions, mechanisms of metaphorical associative maps are considered as tools of art therapy. The complex of occupations to increase subjective well-being of single mothers is determined in the basis of which the idea of influence on a time axis of subjective representation of the person about the way of life and structure of the subjective well-being including social, spiritual, material, physical, psychological components is put. Objectives for work with each of the components of subjective well-being, and three temporal regions of human consciousness are set. Work on the proposed matrix of techniques can be carried out in both individual and group forms.

Key words: single mothers, subjective well-being, art therapy, metaphorical associative maps, projection, metaphor.

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Subjective Well-Being in the Context of Russian Family Life by Lyusova O.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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