Cheremisova I.V., Serikov V.V., Suvorova O.V. Sociological, Pedagogical and Psychological Aspects of the Problem of Monologically Family: Scientific Review


Irina V. Cheremisova

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Psychology,

Volgograd  State University

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Prosp.  Universitetsky,  100,  400062 Volgograd,  Russian  Federation

Vladislav V. Serikov

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor, Department of Psychology,

Volgograd  State University

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Prosp.  Universitetsky,  100,  400062 Volgograd,  Russian  Federation

Olga V. Suvorova

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Department of Classical and Applied Psychology,

Minin Statе Pedagogical University of Nizhny Novgorod

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Ulyanova St., 1, 604950 Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article presents the analysis of resent years’ studies on the problems of single-parent families, lone parent, single mother. The results of the analysis of sociological, pedagogical and psychological studies carried out by Russian scientists have led to the conclusion about the acute relevance of this problem. Sociological research is aimed at studying the problems of the institutionalization of an incomplete family in a transforming society, the peculiarities of the life in a single-parent family, determining the types of families in modern society, the social status of a single-parent family, the personal and social problems of single mothers, the social status of single women mothers in the labor market. Finding a solution to the problem of socialization of children from single-parent families requires an interdisciplinary approach and is of interest of researchers in the framework of sociological, pedagogical and psychological science. From the standpoint of psychological and pedagogical science scientists study the external and internal determinants of the socialization process, age-related aspects of psychological and pedagogical support of socialization of children from single-parent families. Research on pedagogy is aimed at identifying the conditions for optimizing the interaction of a single parent with representatives of educational institutions, cultural institutions, public organizations. Teachers pay great attention to the development of programs to improve pedagogical literacy, pedagogical culture of single parents, practical recommendations to assist parents in the upbringing children, the organization of meaningful leisure of single-parent family members. In psychological research works the emphasis is placed on the peculiarities of emotional state, characteristics of educational potential, psychological conditions of activation of personal potential of a single mother. Attempts are made to describe the individual psychological characteristics of a single mother; to develop a typology of single mothers; to present the psychological structure of motherhood in an incomplete family; psychological characteristics of life situations in an incomplete family. The studies aimed at developing the methodological basis of psychological support programs for mother or father in a single-parent family are of particular value and importance for psychological science and practice. The problems of single-parent family, single mother are more reflected in sociological and pedagogical research. There is an acute shortage of work on the psychological support of single mothers, single-parent families in General. The psychological phenomenon of a single mother, her personal resources to solve the problems of an incomplete family have not yet been studied enough.

Key words: single parent family, single mother, personal potential of mother, psychological support, culture, socialization of children.

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Sociological, Pedagogical and Psychological Aspects of the Problem of Monologically Family: Scientific Review by Cheremisova I.V., Serikov V.V., Suvorova O.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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