Andriyanova T.V. The Sphere of Regional Culture in Indicators and Assessment


Tatyana V. Andriyanova

Candidate  of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Political Science,

Kursk State University

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Radishcheva St., 29, 305004 Kursk, Russian Federation

Abstract. Sociological methods and mathematical analysis and their application to measure key indicators of regional culture are revealed in the article. As the main model of the study is an independent assessment of the quality of services rendered by cultural organizations of the region. Basic research methods: a mathematical procedure for determining integrated values of transparency in the organization culture and recipients satisfaction of its services, the overall score of the organization. Also methods of analysis of documents and information of the web-sites of bodies of culture management for the purpose of a more in-depth analysis of the data. The peculiarities of this technique lie in its universal character for all types of cultural organizations throughout the country for obtaining objective information in the form of numerical values. Limitations of its application are described by the author on the basis of their own experience in carrying out an independent assessment of the quality of services of culture institutions in the Kursk region. The results are presented in the overall scoring of each culture institution of the region from a list of independent evaluations with grouping into indicators. This allowed the authorities to develop a system of measures to improve the quality of work of cultural institutions. The most important indicator in 2017 is availability of services for people with disabilities. According to the said above and taking into consideration other actual directions the procedure and methods of independent quality assessment are corrected and it allows to make a conclusion about its powerful research capacity for culture in the region.

Key words: regional culture, independent assessment of the quality of services, indicators, organization’s culture, service recipients’ оpinion.

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The Sphere of Regional Culture in Indicators and Assessment by Andriyanova T.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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