Leshchenko L.A. Special Aspects of Self-Preservation Behavior Formation of Elderly People: Record of Sociological Analysis

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2017.2.13

Lyubov A. Leshchenko

Postgraduate Student, Department of Philosophy and Sociology,

Volgograd Institute of Management, Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service under the President of Russia

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Gagarina St., 8, 400131 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The problem of an aging population is reflected in the writings of philosophers and sociologists. The author identifies the scientific thought of two stages for the study of the characteristics of the phenomenon of old age: an early (philosophical), late (sociological) period. At the initial stage of theoretical thinking the question about the social significance and the role of the elderly is analyzed in the works of ancient thinkers (Aristotle, Plato, Senac, etc.) where the old age is seen as “a special state of mind” and as “greed”, “loss of youth and strength”. During the late or sociological period (V. Henry, Ch. Tobin, K. Cards etc.) the socio-economic status of the elderly in society was studied. Describing modern social setup, the old age in the minds of individuals, is increasingly interpreted as a “natural disease” or “infirmity”. Consequently the purpose of this article is to study the process of forming of self-preservation behavior in the elderly. The author of the article esees the self-preservation behavior as a private attitude of the individual concerning preservation and maintenance of health.  It was revealed that the adoption of the medical status of the service, impact of media, the existence of social stereotypes contribute to the taking of adverse (negative) model of self-preservation behavior by the elderly. The article noted that the most important task of modern society should be introducing the concept of “healthy ageing” or “youthful old age” in consciousness of people.

Key words: old age, elderly people, healthy aging, healthy aging, self-preserving behavior, models of self-preserving behavior.

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Special Aspects of Self-Preservation Behavior Formation of Elderly People: Record of Sociological Analysis by Leshchenko L.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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