Rozhkova L.V., Mikhneva S.G., Maslov D.G. Cross-Ethnic Interaction in Multicultural Regions as a Factor of National Security


Liliya V. Rozhkova

Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Economic Theory and International Relations,

Penza State University

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Krasnaya St., 40, 440026 Penza, Russian Federation

Svetlana  G.  Mikhneva

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor, Department of Economic Theory and International Relations,

Penza State University

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Krasnaya St., 40, 440026 Penza, Russian Federation

Dmitriy G. Maslov

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory and International Relations,

Penza State University

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Krasnaya St., 40, 440026 Penza, Russian Federation

Abstract. Problems of national interests’ protection and national security are priorities for sustainable development of any country. One important factor of national security is harmonization of cross-ethnic relations, reducing threats of tension and conflict between people of different nationalities and ethnic groups. Research actuality of intercultural and interethnic interactions in terms of national security problems is caused by thunderous ethnic processes of the last decades, showing the importance of ethnic and cultural relations in the life of modern nations and states, Russian unique character being polyconfessional and multinational state with exceptional originality of ethno-social elements and ethnic cultures, increased role of ethnicity in modern Russian conditions, need for resolving of arising ethnic contradictions which are conditions of reproduction of internal threats of national security. These problems involve analysis of such low-studied phenomenon as ethno-cultural security which allows to prove a role of cross-ethnic and cross-cultural interactions in national security system in terms of theory, in practical terms - to investigate the features of cross-ethnic  contact and cross-ethnic dialogue of different ethnic groups representatives, to identify the causes of arising ethnic tensions and conflicts that can have a disintegrative effect on national security system.

Key words: national security, ethno-political security, cultural security, ethnicity, cross-ethnic interaction, cross-ethnic communication, tolerance, tension.

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Cross-Ethnic Interaction in Multicultural Regions as a Factor of National Security by Rozhkova L.V., Mikhneva S.G., Maslov D.G is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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