Ponomarev V.A. Terrorism as a From and a Way of a Forced Conflict Resolution: Interpreting the Generic Characteristics

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2017.2.7

Vladimir A. Ponomarev

Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Foreign Languages,

Yurga Institute of Technology (affiliated) National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

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Leningradskaya St., 26, 652055 Yurga, Russian Federation

Abstract. The paper deals with the issues related to terrorism as a form of organization and violence against the society. The significant generic features are revealed, which identify the nature of this phenomenon. The biological and social approaches to the phenomenon of terrorism, their interpretation, characteristics and types are described as they stated in works of Russian and foreign scientists. As for the biological approach, the origin of terrorism is interpreted by the statement that violence, wish to use any instruments of violence are in the human nature, a method applied in the general process of natural struggle for existence. The social approach deals mainly with social, social and cultural factors when explaining the phenomenon of terror. The kinds of terrorism can be determined according to the degree and extent of organizational complexity, i.e. personal, group, transnational and state terrorism. Present day terrorism is caused by migration processes and mechanisms evolving in the early 21st century, as well as by separatist sentiments, supported by religious and national feelings. Extremism, inter-ethnic and civilization conflicts, shadow super-national powers becoming stronger due to consolidation of the criminal business, and expansion in the geopolitical sphere, are important factors, which might result in immediate reaction of violently inclined individuals eager to withstand the policy carried out by Western countries, the policy of force. One of the main features of terrorism in the age of globalization is highlighted – its network nature. In network conditions leaders are anonymous and information technologies give members of organizations the opportunity to exclude direct communication. A terrorist network as a system is not regulated and controlled by the state and has a rigid organizational structure. It is concluded that terrorism in total and functional aspect can be described as a violent communication strategy which is unacceptable in the human society. Terrorism appeared because of the world globalization, which has a negative effect on the social development.

Key words: terrorism, conflict, violence, globalization, terrorist network, extremism, typology.

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Terrorism as a From and a Way of a Forced Conflict Resolution: Interpreting the Generic Characteristics by Ponomarev V.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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