Danakari R.A. Social State Building as the Key Resource of Harmonization Interethnic Relations in Russia

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2017.2.6

Richard Arami Danakari

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Department of Philosophy and Sociology, Associate Professor,

Volgograd Institute of Management, Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service under the President of Russia

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Gagarina St., 8, 400131 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The study of contemporary Russian reality, the political and socio-economic system, the human existence and its spiritual and moral values actualizes the interest for the theory and practice of the social state prevailing in the developed countries of different continents. As the author mentions this fact is determined by the presence of a huge number of problems and “challenges” for the Russian state and society. The social dynamics non-linearity, uncertainties and risks, increased tension and conflict in the global, regional and local space, “color revolutions,” the growth of ethnocentrism and migrant phobia, extremism and terrorism are among them. In addition to the mentioned above the issues and the very specificity of the formation of an active civil society, the possibility of  forming  confidence  between  the  authorities,  business  and the  society  still  remains  topical.  The  state  and prospects  of  federalism  development,  peculiarities  of  the  state  national,  demographic,  migration  policy implementation, ways of interethnic relations harmonization give rise to concern. In modern Russia in terms of a periodically repeating crisis and the society state deterioration, the need to build a social state is becoming more and more popular. The author believes that such work requires a radical transformation of the currently existing political, social and economic, civilizational and spiritual and moral life of society paradigm that only this reform will de facto contribute to the transformation of the man into a higher purpose and value of the real subject of social dynamics. This will open real prospects for the multiethnic and multiconfessional Russian society, which will help to mobilize it, to overcome the systemic crisis and to move towards the formation of common cultural identity and the consolidated Russian nation.

Key words: radical transformation of the social state, the Russian nation, ethnic relations, partnership, solidarism.

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Social State Building as the Key Resource of Harmonization Interethnic Relations in Russia by Danakari R.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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