Pigalev S.A. Philosophical Foundations of Postmodern Understanding of the Man

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2017.2.1

Sergey A. Pigalev

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Senior Teacher, Department of Philosophy and Cultural Science,

Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University

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Prosp. V.I. Lenina, 27, 400066 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. In the article specific features of understanding of the man in the context of postmodern philosophy are investigated. The anthropological sense of such concepts, key for postmodernism, as “text”, “rhizome”, “the death of the subject”, “decentration”, “ schizoanalysis”, etc. comes to light. The hypothesis that a semantic core of postmodern anthropology is the idea of the absolute freedom which is expressed in characteristic negativism in relation to any constraining culture mechanisms is made as a result.  In other words, release of suppressed Abnormal – regardless of sociocultural correctness of his suppression comes under the spotlight of postmodernism. Identification of the philosophical bases of postmodern understanding of the man is carried out by means of comparison with the new European anthropological ideal. Taking into consideration the ideas of the German philosopher  H. Blyumenberg  it is  proved that  the basic  conflict between  private will  and  its  comprehensive macrostructures  is an  inevitable consequence  of individualistic  anthropology of  Modern times.  It makes  the problem of ensuring sociocultural integrity the central problem of a modernist style. Thus, it is shown that the postmodern anthropology  not just denies a modernist style but it is continuation and development of his fundamental contradictions, first of all, contradictions between a part and the whole.

Key words: modernist style, nihilism, postmodernism, death of the subject, social development, the man, schizoanalysis.

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