Khrapova V.A. Regionalism as a form of manifestation of subjectivity (a phenomenological view of hermeneutical study of M. Foucault)


Viktoriya Anatolyevna Khrapova

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Philosophy,

Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article attempts to comprehend the phenomenon of regionalism in the context of a hermeneutic conception of M. Foucault. In the Hermeneutics of the subject Michel Foucault proposes an algorithm of self-consciousness of the subject, the knower of truth in the process of work on oneself, spiritual practice, which is inextricably linked with the understanding of its uniqueness and an awareness of their unique active role in the manifested physical world. The stages of this practice include the focus on oneself, cognition in the course of acceptance and love of work, the constant involvement in life, staying conscious, allowing it to retain its uniqueness and to be in constant communication-relation with the surrounding space, maintaining the ability to harmonize and adjust its direction of development. In the modern globalizing transforming social space the issue on the development of regions that are considered in this study as bonded territorial, natural, social, cultural and historical ties of community, gets special relevance. The government programs increasingly emphasize the status of regions as subjects of public relations that involve the production of specific development concepts for each region. This determines the need for social and managerial strategies that could contribute to overcoming the crises, the removal of contradictions, providing opportunities to optimize the social space. From the authors viewpoint, Michel Foucault proposed the program of formation of a subject can be used as the basis for the development of the region as a unique integrity in the state.

Key words: region, regional culture, regional text, society, subjectivity, spirituality, integrity, identity.      
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Regionalism as a form of manifestation of subjectivity (a phenomenological view of hermeneutical study of M. Foucault) by Khrapova V.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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