Popov D.N. The conception of thinking in STA-methodology of G.P. Shchedrovitsky and the E. Husserl’s phenomenology: synthesis prospects

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu7.2017.1.5

Dmitriy  Nikolaevich  Popov

Postgraduate Student, Department of  Philosophy,

Yaroslavl State University named after P.G. Demidov

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Sovetskaya St., 14, 150000 Yaroslavl, Russian Federation

Abstract. This  article  studies  the  systemic-thought-activity  methodology  (STA-methodology) of G.P. Shchedrovitsky and the E. Husserl’s phenomenology. These systems offer the formation of thinking in the conditions of the challenges of the modern era. At first examination, these concepts have conflicting grounds. The STA-methodology is based on the social determination of the subject, the technological development of the society and ontological relativism.  Phenomenology  is based on the freedom of the transcendental subject, the  turn      from techno-world to the lifeworld and the region of consciousness. The approaches to the thinking  and  consciousness  of  these  philosophical  schools  have  been  explored.  The  study reveals  that  the  structures  of  the  thought  complement  and  refine  each  other. The  level  of thought-communication,  which  was  opened  by  Shchedrovitskiy,  confirms  the  intuition  of    phenomenologists about the need for additional introduction of the linguistic level of thinking. Husserl shows how, with the help of an accurate identification of the area of consciousness, a transition from linguistic meanings (G. Ferge) to apodictic, which constituted by consciousness on the basis of the phenomenon “how he-himself-gives”. This allows reflecting thinking to go beyond discourse and to create innovation. Thus, the practical experience of STA-methodology confirms the intuition  of  phenomenology, and phenomenology  resolves the epistemological problems of STA-methodology. Their synthesis reveals the perspectives for the formation of thinking  based  on  the  region  of  consciousness  in  the  framework  of  the  methodology  of organizational-active games (OAG). This approach provides an opportunity to positively resolve the problems of postmodernism.

Key words: STA-methodology, phenomenology, thinking, consciousness, technologization, lifeworld, postmodernism.

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The conception of thinking in STA-methodology of G.P. Shchedrovitsky and the E. Husserl’s phenomenology: synthesis prospects by Popov D.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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