Tikhonova V.L. Philosophical Interpretations of the Film Text “Real Fairytale”: the Existential Aspect

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu7.2016.4.16

Valentina Lvovna Tikhonova

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Сulturology,

Astrakhan State University

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Tatishcheva St., 20a, 414056 Astrakhan, Russian Federation

Abstract.  In the modern world everyone can notice reorientation from the printing text to the media (audiovisual text). Meanwhile reading art promotes activization of imagination, feelings and emotions of the recipient, in order to conjecturing literary story with own images. In spite of the fact that the movie is presented as a ready-made on-screen images, the viewer is able to engage in the process of interpretation carried on the screen. The author carries out the analysis of the Russian film “Real fairytale” allowing to intensify intellectual and sensual human capabilities. The article gives a philosophical version of the interpretation of this film, focusing on the existential basis of human personality. The heroes of the film are ordinary people and fabulous characters who, according to the author, reflect different human qualities. The role of the owner of the worlds – a fabulous one (by which we understand personal human existence) and a real one (objective), is played by Koshchey – in Russian folklore a bony, emaciated old man, rich and wicked, who knows the secret of eternal life (in this film it is an oligarch) as a personification of selfishness. Under its influence all the positive human qualities are distorted what doesn‘t bring to the sense of eudemonia. This fact is shown through fabulous space where it‘s damp, darkly, uncomfortable and constantly raining. Emotional balance is achieved only by the transformation of human nature, its release from slavery of destructive  affects by gaining power over  his egoism. It is remarkable that students during the interpretation of different films try to understand more deeply ideas of thinkers, and also show desire to join reading and judgment of both philosophical, and classical literature.

Key words: film text, recipient, perception, personal existence, semantic aspect, philosophical interpretation, egoism.

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Philosophical Interpretations of the Film Text “Real Fairytale”: the Existential Aspect by Tikhonova V.L. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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