Drozdova Yu.A. Migration Risks in the Multiethnic Region (Exemplified by the Volgograd Region)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu7.2016.4.11

Yuliya Alekseevna Drozdova

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Аssociate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Sociology,

Volgograd Branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

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Gagarina St., 8, 400131 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The paper analyzes the findings revealed by the empirical study that was performed in the framework of the grant supported by the Russian Foundation of Humanity “Migration risks in a multiethnic region: sociological and managerial review”. The following research methods were used: expert (semi-formalized) survey, in-depth interviews with immigrants (N = 20, July/September 2016) and formal surveys aimed at revealing public opinion of local citizens (N = 500, July-August 2016) and immigrants arriving in the region (N= 150, July /September 2016). The received data allow us to determine the migration situation in the Volgograd region as a risky one. The article analyzes the risks of migration in the Volgograd region, which considered being a multiethnic region. According to the Census (Census 2010: Volgograd region) Russians make up 88.5 % of the total population of the region, other nationalities make up 11.5 %. Migration risks increased in modern conditions of social transformations in many times. The received data of the empirical study reveal risks in the field of economy, politics, culture, as well as the risks of the aggravation of interethnic and inter-confessional relations. Active migration process is a complex element of regional and world development, which affects almost all spheres of life in the society, and is accompanied by numerous risks. The ratio of uncertainty and danger produced by migration risks must be revealed and minimized, because it influences the stability, sustainable development and well-being of citizens living in this region. One of the most promising ways of solving this problem is migration risk identification and management. It makes the conducted research and the analysis of its results especially important.

Key words: multiethnic region, migration processes, migration risks, international relations, risks in the sphere of economy, political risks, confessional risks, regional development.

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Migration Risks in the Multiethnic Region (Exemplified by the Volgograd Region) by Drozdova Yu.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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