Devyatova S.V. Problems of Methodology of Modern Christian Theology


Svetlana Vladimirovna Devyatova

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Department of Philosophy of Natural Faculties,

Lomonosov Moscow State University
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Prosp. Lomonosovskiy, 7, 119234 Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract. Today science has an enormous influence on people and environment. The style of thinking and investigation formed within the framework of science is seen by many people as the most accurate way of dealing with the reality and understanding it. Although the period of the triumph of the ideology of scientism has moved to the past, science has a great reputation and our time has still been called the time of science. It introduces essential modifications into worldview, culture and mode of life of modern people. What must Christian theology be now, the theology which has always tried to have a significant influence on these spheres of human life? Trying to answer this question Christian theology pays special attention to the problem of correlation of science and religion. There is a trend in modern western Christian theology the followers of which consider the union of science and theology to be one of their main task. In this connection they carry out the comparative methodological analysis of science and theology and recorded their specific and similar characteristics. By these specific features and similarities the necessity and possibility of their productive interaction are conditioned. Adherents of such approach consider that in modern conditions theology in its intellectual activities must be oriented towards the style of scientific investigation. It must overcome its authoritarism, dogmatism and conservatism, and become more rational, dynamic and open for critical analysis. Developing in such style Christian theology will become the necessary and worthy partner of science in formation of the united picture of the world and will also be an authoritative and accurate reference point and helper in human life.

Key words: Christianity, theology, science, faith, knowledge, tradition, rationalism, scientism.

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Problems of Methodology of Modern Christian Theology by Devyatova S.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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