Petrova G.I., Gomanenko O.A. Personal Potential of the Social Worker as a Determinant of the Effective Professional Activity


Galina Ivanovna Petrova

Educational Psychologist, Svetloyarsky Center for Population Social Service of Volgograd Region,

Meliorativnaya St., 3, 404171 Svetlyy Yar, Volgograd Region, Russian Federation,

Master Student, Department of Social Work and Pedagogy,

Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Olesya Aleksandrovna Gomanenko

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work and Pedagogy,

Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation


Abstract. Over the past decades the problem of social work optimization became more and more relevant. This situation is determined by modern social reality and competitive environment in the tertiary industry. Firstly, this fact is caused by the intensification of a number of social problems such as population differentiation, unemployment, migration crisis etc. Secondly, by relatively early age of the social work as science that has to elaborate methodological foundations of this field of science and to build the effective social help system in the same time. And thirdly, by the practical demands that have been changed in terms of quantity and quality over the last years. This fact assumes that the number of people who need social help has been increased as well as that their problems have become more complicated. The authors claim that under the circumstances of general efficiency increase as well as increase on the different levels can be realized by working with personal resources of specialists. Therefore this article pays attention to the personal psychological differences of certain specialist, defines their relation with preferred client group and strategy of organization of their social interactions. The presented results open new possibilities to optimize social work and keep it competitive in the modern world.

Key words: social work, interaction, strategy, social worker, social service receiver.

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Personal Potential of the Social Worker as a Determinant of the Effective Professional Activity by Petrova G.I., Gomanenko O.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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