Kravchenko N.Yu. The Structural Analysis of the Forming Civil Identity


Nadezhda Yuryevna Kravchenko

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Informatics,

Saratov State National Research University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky

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B. Kazachya St., 120, 410012 Saratov, Russian Federation

Abstract. To begin with, the first task in creation of civil society in the Russian Federation is to convert residents into citizens. Success of this process in many respects depends on the civil practice. In the article, on material of dictionary entries, the concepts “citizen”, “nationality”, “civic consciousness”, “patriotism” are analyzed. The essence of concepts and the corresponding phenomena which are expressed in social practicing comes to light. Applying the set theory developed by D. N. Uznadze and using the concept of social practice, offered by P. Shtompka, the author considers civil practice as synthesis of what happens in society, and what is done by people in the sphere of civic consciousness. In the article the definition of the civil practice is proved and its function in creation of set on civil behavior is shown (on the example of author’s model of formation of civil identitу). The author regards civil identity as socially caused positioning of the individual in the civil sphere in a congruent ratio, integrity “I-corporal”, “I-mental” and “I-rational”. In the article the role of civil activities is revealed: the positive identification of the active Subject of socio-political process gives an impulse to take part in civil activities, as a result, civil identity is forming To join civil activities, it is necessary for the resident or the citizen that the components “I-rational” and “I-mental” would create a set on civil activities. Thus, the individual’s feeling as a part of the society, the knowledge of the strength of civil interaction will influence on the “I-corporal” formation.

Key words: citizen, civil consciousness, patriotism, civil identity, civil practices / actions.

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The Structural Analysis of the Forming Civil Identity by Kravchenko N.Yu. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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