Sagaydak V.A. The Basic Tools of Formation of Internal Social Image of the Volgograd Business Entities: Sociological Analysis


Varvara Aleksandrovna Sagaydak

Postgraduate Student, Department of Philosophy and Sociology,

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Volgograd Branch)

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Gagarina St., 8, 400131 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The development of the information society leads to increased attention to non-core activities of the company. Internal social image forms the image of the company in the internal environment by influencing the way of employees’ perception of the company and therefore their loyalty, involvement in work processes and productivity There is a relevant problem consisting in the formation of internal social image of the business entities in Volgograd. The objective of the study is to analyze the tools of formation of internal social image of the business entities in Volgograd. Implementation of research tasks was achieved on the basis of data of sociological research conducted by the author in 2015 among the representatives of the business activities in Volgograd. Methodological potential includes the methods of systemic and comparative analysis, determination, empirical method of sociological research (survey). The content of the concept of “internal social image of the organization” was considered by the author. Regional characteristics and the most effective tools of formation of internal social image of the business entities in Volgograd were identified. The most effective tools of formation of internal social image of the business entities in Volgograd include programs of employee motivation, internal media, professional trainings and informal corporate events for staff. The least effective tools are the company’s social policy and organization of personal meetings with the employees.

Key words: business entity, internal social image, tools, programs of employees reward, media, corporate events, social policy, efficiency.

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The Basic Tools of Formation of Internal Social Image of the Volgograd Business Entities: Sociological Analysis by Sagaydak V.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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