Gorina T.S. The Future as a Research Subject in CSR Concept

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu7.2016.1.13

Tatyana Sergeevna Gorina

Candidate of Philosophic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy,

Volgograd State University

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Abstract. The article analyzes the different points of view on the issue of corporate social responsibility. The author investigates the relationship between the organization’s social responsibility and sustainable development. The subject of research is the concept of corporate social responsibility. According to the concept of CSR, companies should contribute to the implementation of the principles and goals of sustainable development. The author analyzes the assumptions on which the study is based in the future of the concept of corporate social responsibility: the thesis of the possibility of extrapolating the knowledge about current trends in social development in the future; the idea of the productive interaction in a multicultural world between an organization and its stakeholders; the demand of changes in participants’ outlook in the direction indicated in the concept of CSR. The author also studied the role of creative organizations, the state and the local community in building the future. The author notes that organizations that implement the principles of social responsibility, not only seek to make a profit, but also care about the community. The special role of government is to create an enabling environment for CSR. The contribution of members of the local society in the establishment of the future suggests that they will be prompted to socially responsible behavior and they will be ready to take part in the consultation on the impact of stakeholder organizations.

Key words: corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, the future, stakeholders, social dynamics.

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The Future as a Research Subject in CSR Concept by Gorina T.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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