Lukmanova R.Kh., Sirazetdinova M.F. The Fundamental Principles of Resistance to Consciousness Manipulation


Raushaniya Khusainovna Lukmanova

Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Philosophy and Political Science,

Bashkir State University

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Zaki Validi St., 32, 450076 Ufa, Russian Federation

Milyausha Faritovna Sirazetdinova

Postgraduate Student, Department of Philosophy and Political Science,

Bashkir State University

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Zaki Validi St., 32, 450076 Ufa, Russian Federation

Abstract. Since manipulative impact is a system with complex structure, the opposition to it should be systematical and present in all spheres of society. If economic, political, social situation are objective factors of resistance to consciousness manipulation, the own efforts of individuals to reduce the degree of manipulability are subjective factors. General principles of protection against manipulation are dialogic thinking and social interaction achieved through the personal development and public efforts. The inner dialogue is necessary to overcome the negative effects of stereotyping as monological, one-sided assessment of other social subjects and social phenomena. The exterior aspect of dialogue, considered as cooperation between equal subjects – individual or collective, involves the adoption of systematic measures aimed at creating conditions for dialogical thinking.

Key words: consciousness manipulation, manipulability, inner dialogue, dialogical thinking, cultural core, civil society.

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The Fundamental Principles of Resistance to Consciousness Manipulation by Lukmanova R.Kh., Sirazetdinova M.F. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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