Belyaev D.A.Virtual net-being of a post(over)man

Belyaev Dmitry Anatolyevich

Candidate of philosophical sciences, Docent of Department of Philosophy and Socio-Political Theories,

Lipetsk State Pedagogical University

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Abstract: The article deals with the phenomenon of human evolution from a human being into a post (above)man in the space of virtual computer reality. The article singles out the properties of virtual reality and the structure of its internal topology. Besides, the article introduces the concept of Homo Virtualis and reveals its semantical structure. Finally, the levels of transformation of a «virtual human» are identified and analyzed in the article.

Key words: (post)human, overman, virtual reality, virtual society, the Internet, computer games, avatars.

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Virtual net-being of a post(over)man by Belyaev D.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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