Kalashnikova N.A. The Role of Critical Thinking in Innovative Social Environment Formation

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu7.2015.4.16

Nina Aleksandrovna Kalashnikova

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy,

Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. Modern society needs constructive criticism forms aimed at improvement of social system, but not on its destruction. Thus, modern individual, being the subject of social relations, has to possess a certain “freedom from society” degree, an opportunity to make own vital choice based on personal independent thinking, strive to objectivity in judgments which is impossible in the absence of ability to think critically. The critical thinking helps to reveal logical and semantic mistakes, to distinguish the facts from fiction, to give an event assessment, to see relationships of cause and effect, to change the position on the basis of arguments. On the basis of critical thinking the personality consciously defines the place and a role in system of the social relations, gives an assessment to fundamental social norms and values. Besides, the cognitive basis of personality self-identification, critical thinking is also the basic element of innovative thinking type and generation of necessary conditions for creating innovative social environment. The critical thinking is responsible for independent receiving new knowledge, their system organization and conscious process of a choice between the available alternatives that directly reflects a set of key competences which an “innovative person” has to own. Innovative thinking and innovative activity based on it, in turn, represent one of social transformations’ adaptation strategies. The transition to innovative development is an important goal for the Russian society. This goal should be achieved with the help of professional education institutions, thanks to which trainees form the demand and striving for more, new abilities and skills of independent critical thinking. The education system in general both in the contents and in methods has to be directed on formation and development of the skills and competences necessary for innovative activity. “Innovative education” as a peculiar intelligent tool or technology, provides stability of process of creating innovations.

Key words: innovative development, innovative thinking, innovative social environment, critical thinking, education, social adaptation.

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The Role of Critical Thinking in Innovative Social Environment Formation by Kalashnikova N.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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