Basharova E.A. Escapism as a Result of Human Physical Limits


Elizaveta Anatolyevna Basharova

Postgraduate Student, Department of Philosophy,

Ivanovo State University

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Timiryazeva St., 5B, 153025 Ivanovo, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article discusses the escapism as an escape from physical limits, such as death, the laws of nature. In this regard, people strive to overcome the overwhelming and create alternative worlds where the above mentioned restrictions do not exist. It is shown that the desire for illusions is inherent in both phylogeny and ontogeny. The author considers the main human limitation – death, and makes conclusion about the impact of this fact on the human perception of the world. Moreover, physical nature also limits humanity. Desire for ideal body or superpowers can create a huge number of alternative worlds where human have magic, non-ordinary skills, overcoming nature laws. Further the author proposes three ways of overcoming physical limitations, their advantages and disadvantages. The author suggests that escapism is a process of inculcation of different illusions in real life. Such ideas become determinant in life actions. Such situation is typical for religious, mythological mind, superstitions, etc. Besides, the article presents the role of illusions in child’s life, the process of religious thinking development in childhood. The differences of belief in God and fantastic creatures are shown. The author also presents interesting foreign experiment proving the leading role of knowledge in the formation of the concept of reality, which explains the person’s cravings to imaginary reality.

Key words: escapism, physical limitations, alternative worlds, reality, awareness of death.

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Escapism as a Result of Human Physical Limits by Basharova E.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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