Kravchenko N.Yu. Mechanism of Civil Identity Formation: Some Theoretical and Methodological Problems


Nadezhda Yuryevna Kravchenko

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Candidate for a Doctor’s Degree, Department of Applied Sociology,

National Research Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky

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B. Kazachya St., 120, 410012 Saratov, Russian Federation

Abstract. The author analyzes different scientific approaches to the role of different spheres: private, political and public. Civil potential is realized in the public sphere, where a process of civil socialization takes place. The authorities master private values, and citizens master values of the power. During the last two centuries the public sphere greatly changed, it continued moving from former public places (such as cafes, squares etc.) to Internet blogs. The author puts a problem of importance of development of civil potential in a sociological key for all social groups of society. This is extremely important issue for the development of civil society in nowadays Russia. The author pays attention to the fact that modern stratification models do not consider a resource of access to public space. Every stratum has channels of entry into public space, configurations which have both locks, and the accelerators defining quoting of hit in public space for definite social strata. The civil status assumes limits in cultural, economic, political distinctions between striations. The author raises a question: what strata have access to public space and what have not? Research of this question will give the chance to look at the prospects of civil society development in our country in a new way.

Key words: civil potential, civil status, public space, civil identity, stratification.

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Mechanism of Civil Identity Formation: Some Theoretical and Methodological Problems by Kravchenko N.Yu. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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