Khitruk E.B. Problematization of the Concept “Male Essence” in Elisabeth Badinter’s Philosophy


Ekaterina Borisovna Khitruk

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Tomsk State University

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Prosp. Lenina, 36, 634050 Tomsk, Russian Federation

Abstract. The problems of masculinity in the philosophy of Elizabeth Badinter are analyzed in the paper. The necessity of the transition in understanding the nature of the various practices of masculinity in essentialist constructivist approach is proved. Constructivist approach examines masculinity not as a biological reality, but as a cultural imperative due to assessing male social roles and ways of self-presentation in terms of the ideal of “true masculinity”. The author makes conclusion that the ideal of the “true masculinity” seems to be of “anti-femininity” nature and requires the critical rethinking in contemporary culture.

Key words: masculinity, anti-femininity, E. Badinter, essentialism, constructivism, male essence, gender, sex.

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Problematization of the Concept “Male Essence” in Elisabeth Badinter’s Philosophy by Khitruk E.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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