Makarov A.I. Modern Educational Ideal: Philosophical Foundations

Andrey Ivanovich Makarov

Doctor of Philosophic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Philosophy,

Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. We live in the epoch of crisis. This situation makes especially urgent the answer to the question on the ideal of educational activities harmonized in their component parts. Only the answer to that question can determine the educational objectives and forms defined by this ideal value. What type of person is needed now? Who needs it? Who is the subject of forming educational goals? In the modern era, there are two such entities – the state and the business community. However, no business, neither state today are the subjects of goal-setting for national education systems. Under these conditions it is possible to accept the idea by B. Ridings that goal should determine itself within the university corporation. Under the influence of Homo Faber and Homo Economicus the systems of formation of 19th and 20th centuries were formed. The article describes the evolution of the model of education of the modern era and its transformation. For the graduating students of schools and universities corresponding knowledge and skills were formed. The modernization of the Russian society faces the challenge of reforming the education system. In this article we are talking about the types of educational ideals. A number of educational ideals that emerged in Europe since the Renaissance are listed. The author also examines their problematic aspects.

Key words: philosophy of education, educational ideal, educational socialization, humanization of education, economocentrism.

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Modern Educational Ideal: Philosophical Foundations by Makarov A.I. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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