Korobov-Latyntsev A.Yu. The Reflection of Antiquity in Russian Philosophy

Korobov-Latyntsev Andrey Yuryevich
Postgraduate Student, Department of Philosophy and Psychology, Voronezh State University
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Prosp. Revolyutsii, 24, 394000 Voronezh, Russian Federation

Abstract. This article focuses on the receptions of ancient philosophy in the Russian thought, from philosopher Dmitriy Venevitinov to Vladimir Solovyev and Lev Shestov. The author examines the first efforts of Russian philosophers to enter the context of ancient philosophy and the dialogue with ancient philosophers. The author makes conclusion that the originality of Russian philosophy is conditioned by this dialogue with antiquity. Entering the space of ancient philosophy and independent statement of original philosophical issues contributed to the fact that Russian philosophy found its own unique style. The original interpretation of Plato's texts in Russian philosophy lies in the fact that Russian philosophers continue to write the commentary to this text. This commentary is the continuation of Plato's text and the continuation of the world philosophy.

Key words: ancient philosophy, Russian philosophy, receptions of antiquity, Plato, Vladimir Solovyev, Lev Shestov, Dmitriy Venevitinov.

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The Reflection of Antiquity in Russian Philosophy by Korobov-Latyntsev A.Yu. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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