Dubina A.Sh. The Dynamics of Industrial Workers’ Satisfaction with Labour (on the Example of Large Industrial Enterprises of Penza)

Dubina Albina Shagidullovna
Assistant Professor, Department of Innovations Management, Penza Regional Center of the Higher School (Branch), Russian State University of Innovative Technologies and Entrepreneurship
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Krasnaya St., 38, 440026 Penza, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article examines the dynamics of industrial workers' satisfaction with labour in large industrial enterprises in 2011 and 2012 and presents the estimation of social and economic situation in Penza. The author compares the characteristics of labour in economically successful and economically unsuccessful large industrial enterprises. It is revealed that the employees of successful enterprises are more satisfied with labour. It is connected with favorable working conditions, decent wages and high prestige of such enterprises. The author determines the factors influencing employees' satisfaction with their labour and labor behavior, employment
strategies and labor activity.

Key words: attitude to labour, labour satisfaction, labor behavior, motivation, employment strategies.

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The Dynamics of Industrial Workers’ Satisfaction with Labour (on the Example of Large Industrial Enterprises of Penza) by Dubina A.Sh. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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