Petrov A.V., Kibasova G.P. At the Origins of the Formation of Russian Legal Consciousness (Culturological Aspect)

Petrov Andrey Vladimirovich
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Department of Philosophy, Bioethics and Law with Course of Medical Sociology, Volgograd State Medical University
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Ploshchad Pavshikh Bortsov, 1, 400131 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Kibasova Galina Petrovna
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Department of History and Culturology, Volgograd State Medical University
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Ploshchad Pavshikh Bortsov, 1, 400131 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the origins of Russian legal culture which come from archaic (common) law and relate to pre-written period of our history. The problem of human rights in contemporary Russia is extremely urgent. According to the authors, without a thorough scientific analysis of the Russian traditions of justice, it is difficult to formulate the national idea and develop the traditions of patriotism in modern Russia. The source of this study is partially represented by chronicles and mostly by mythology of folklore monuments: folk tales, proverbs, tales and songs. This work was carried out by means of multidisciplinary approach and using historical, culturological, legal, linguistic data in the categorical field of cultural philosophy. According to the authors, folklife culture reflects the mentality of people, on the one hand, and on the other hand, creates the standards of behavior, thus forming the foundation of legal culture. The analysis of Slavic mythology and historical sources revealed the intensity of law genesis process of the eastern Slavs long before the formation of Kievan Rus. The authors concluded that the source of cultural and legal components of Russian identity is represented by myth consciousness of young East Slavic ethnic group.

Key words: legal consciousness, human rights, East Slavs, folklife culture, legal culture, Slavic mythology, myth consciousness.

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At the Origins of the Formation of Russian Legal Consciousness (Culturological Aspect) by Petrov A.V., Kibasova G.P. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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