Danilova E.O. D. Massey’s Theory in Discourse Analysis of Social and Economic Activity and Network Interaction of Labour Migrants in the Russian Federation

Danilova Elena Olegovna
Postgraduate Student, Department of Sociology, Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article reveals theoretical provisions of the conception by Douglas S. Massey whose main ideas allow analyzing social and labor activity and mobility of the population, as well as the specificity of labor migration in the Russian Federation. The problems of modern human mobility assume the complex analysis which considers each concrete phenomenon in a wide context of the general dynamics of the relations and interactions of various spatial levels. The intensity of migration processes, the factors of transformation of structure of social and economic values of accepting community, labor market – these and other categories of migration description show the perspective directions of discourse analysis of studied processes in the methodological field of migratory networks theory. According to the works of Douglas S. Massey, Professor of sociology and public relations of Princeton University, member of National Academy of Sciences, the migration can be defined, on the one hand, as a powerful economic and demographic resource and globalization consequence, and on the other hand, migrants are low-qualified labor resources or forced migrants who pose threat to safety and stability. In article the discourse analysis of the conception by Douglas S. Massey forms tools for studying the problems of illegal migrants, and the ideas of the synthetic theory allow to designate a methodological framework of the analysis of labor migration in the Russian Federation.

Key words: network theory of migration, social and labor mobility, economic activity, migration, discourse analysis, globalization.

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Massey’s Theory in Discourse Analysis of Social and Economic Activity and Network Interaction of Labour Migrants in the Russian Federation by Danilova E.O. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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