Nikolaeva E.V. Fractal Images of the City in the New Media Art Projects

Nikolaeva Elena Valentinovna
Candidate of Culturology, Associate Professor, Moscow State University of Design and Technology
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Sadovnicheskaya St., 33, 117997 Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article deals with city images created in new media art projects (works of digital fractal art on the website, advertising Internet-contests of digital photographs and media collages ("Metropolitan Story" ("Kristall"), "Morning in the City" ("Соffee Bean"), "City Fairy Show" ("Ford Fiesta"), "SimplyCity" ("Hugo Boss") and multimedia project "You, The World, and I" by Jon Rafman. The images of the city, urban culture and mentality presented in these projects are analyzed from the viewpoint of fractal semiotics. The study reveals topological and conceptual fractality of these city images and proves that the city image in new media art project appears to be a conceptual fractal of the City as an ontological category rather than a fractal pattern of a real city, even if anonymous. The author discusses the complex system of monitoring of the innovative potential, including the relevant information and analytical system which allows accumulating large volumes of actual and archival information on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of innovative processes.

Key words: media image of the city, art of new media, Internet art projects, digital art, conceptual fractal, media culture, media philosophy.

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Fractal Images of the City in the New Media Art Projects by Nikolaeva E.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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