Sarna A.Ya. Content Analysis in New Media Research

Sarna Aleksandr Yanisovich
Candidate of Philosophic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Communication, Belarusian State University
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Abstract. The article shows the important role of the relations between different approaches in new media content research. Content analysis as a strategy of qualitative and quantitative research of the messages content is the study of linguistic paradigm of computer-mediated communication and new media. Representatives of this approach use linguistic and semiotic research methods and focus on such issues as the diffusion of stylistic and metalinguistic features in the English segment of the Internet, linguistic changes at the lexical, syntactic, grammatical and other levels, ratio of verbal and visual message components, discursive features of communicative practices in the network, alignment of the narrative structure of messages, etc. For this purpose they apply conceptual, narrative, rhetorical, conversational, intertextual, definitional, etymological, component, distribution and transformation analysis. Possibility to systematize and harmonize these methods within the linguistic paradigm is provided by the emission of "objectivist" and "subjectivist" orientation as socio- and psycholinguistic approaches in content analysis of new media. Thus, there is a possibility of establishing a combined approach based on the interaction of different research strategies such as discourse analysis, semiotics, psychoanalysis and phenomenology.

Key words: new media, media research, content analysis, methodology of new media research, research paradigms in the analysis of new media.

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Content Analysis in New Media Research by Sarna A.Ya. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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