Shirokanova A.A. MMORPGs as Platforms of Forming Personal Identity

Shirokanova Anna Aleksanrovna
Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Communication, Belarusian State University
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Abstract. This paper deals with the problem of diffusion of the private and public spaces of communication in new media. The author claims that the devices for computer-mediated communication get integrated into the domain of personal identity as storage for "digital memories" and as tool of mediating perception and everyday-life experience. It is also shown that the formation of personal identity is hampered in most of new media as a result of reducing corporality dimensions (Dietmar Kamper) and blurring the image of the significant Other (Slavoj Zizek). Mass multiplayer online role games are presented here as a mixed mode of communication where, in contrast to social networks, the most important components of successful communication are long-term orientation, synchronous interaction aimed at reaching a common goal, the possibility of physical participation, and "human-human" communication. As a result, MMORPGs can provide wider opportunities for personal identity development, when compared to other popular types of new media.

Key words: MMORPG, computer games, social networks, new media, personal identity, the other, computer-mediated communication.

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MMORPGs as Platforms of Forming Personal Identity by Shirokanova A.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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