About the Journal
Logos et Praxis
Has been issued since 1996. Beginning with 2017 the The Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Philosophy. Sociology and Social Technologies has been renamed into the academic journal Logos et Praxis (ISSN 1998-9946 , Registration Certificate ПИ № ФС77-25020 from 29.06.2006 г.)
Title (in language of publication): Logos et Praxis.
Frequency: Since 2015 - 4 issues a year: № 1 – April, № 2 – August; № 3 – November; № 4 – December.
Peer Review type: Double-Blind. Submitted articles are reviewed by an independent expert in the matching discipline with anonymity for both author and referee
Journal is registered by Federal Service for Supervision of Mass Media, Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage (Russia) (Registration Certificate ПИ № ФС77-69699 of May 5, 2017).
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subscription index in united catalogue "Russian Mass Media": 20989
The journal is included into the list of leading reviewed scientific journals and the editions recommended by the Highest Certifying Commission for publication of the main scientific results of theses.
The journal is included into Russian Science Citation Index.
Founder and Publisher: Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Volgograd State University»
Editorial Office: prospect Universitetsky 100, Volgograd, 400062. Russian Federation.
Tel.: 7 (8442) 46-02-72
Fax number: 7(8442) 46-18-48
Chief Editor’s Message
Logos et Praxis is an academic journal aiming at creating a unified informational and communicative environment for the social science and humanities scholars. The editorial board of the journal is aiming at attracting both well-known academics and those in the early stages of their careers. We publish both theoretical and empirical social science articles. We invite authors from various social science and humanities disciplines, such as Philosophy, Sociology. Interdisciplinary studies in the field of Social Science and Humanities are welcome. The journal accepts original articles only on the basis of peer review system.
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor
Svetlana Tokareva
The journal heading «Philosophy» correspond to academic branch 09.00.00 – Philosophical sciences, the journal heading «Sociology and social technologies» correspond to academic branch 22.00.00 – Sociological sciences.
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