Ioyleva G.V. Theoretical Aspects of Functioning and Development of Consciousness

Ioyleva Galina Valentinovna
Candidate of Philosophic Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, Department of Dissertation Councils and Certification of Training Management, and Certification of Teaching Staff, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
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Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny St. 17, 163002 Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation

Abstract. At present we should consider not merely the fact of consciousness, but its real existence in the form of the specific general, cumulative result of human activity which cannot be embraced with empirical analysis – idealization is needed (theoretical premises, abstract and ideal forms, schemes). The theoretical premises are highlighted by us. The objective of the given article is to study the issues of consciousness development from the complex point of view featuring the following aspects: natural sciences, ontology and gnoseology, axiology, sociology and psychology. In accordance with the stated objective, the tasks of differentiating and integrating interpretations of consciousness and function perspectives were solved.
The scientific significance of this work is in proposing premises and principles of improving main theories of consciousness development from the inter-disciplinary perspective. The practical part is presented by the cognitive orientation of a personality towards comprehending
theoretical potential of the issue and updating mental, conscious operation of information. The work is based on systemic (verifying conceptions of V.P. Zinchenko, V.Ya. Sergin, К.V. Sudakov, А.N. Arlychev, R.L. Solso etc.) and analytic (arguing for and following the theories of L.S. Vygotskiy, А.N. Leontyev, P.V. Simonov, N.I. Zaikin, etc.) approaches. The research has shown the following results: consciousness cannot be given to our perception in any case, and comprehension of consciousness manifestations depends on the level of the comprehending person's consciousness. The constant real update of consciousness potential, the extension of the limits of objective circumstances, the change of the latter according to the individual consciousness prospects – all these processes are necessary, including the further comprehension of functioning forms and processes in general. The consciousness remains the fact of speculations and fantasies without the actualization process. The given research contributes significantly to the logical and methodological base of social philosophy, cognitology for introducing scientific knowledge further into the personality's activity pattern and making correct decisions in the society.

Key words: consciousness, reasoning, brain, reflection, individual consciousness, public consciousness, perceptive consciousness, operational consciousness.

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Theoretical Aspects of Functioning and Development of Consciousness by Ioyleva G.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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