Popov M.E. Sociocultural Integration and the Problems of Identity-Based Conflicts’ Resolution: a Regional Aspect

Popov Maksim Evgenyevich

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor,

Department of Social Philosophy and Ethnology, North-Caucasus Federal University

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Prosp. Kulakova, 2, 355029 Stavropol, Russian Federation

Abstract. The paper deals with the basic factors of identity-based regional conflicts and emphasizes the destabilizing role of the ethnicity politicization. Among the systemic conditions  of the escalation of the identity-based conflicts, the author names the following ones: sociocultural transformations,  civil  identity  crisis,  ethnopolitical  mobilization, traditionalization.  The main  systemic  factor  of the  conflicts  escalation  is the  gap  between post-traditional modernization and regional traditionalism. The conflict determinants remain a major cause of the destructive impact on sociocultural integration of the Russian society. The escalation of ethnic tension occurs when ethnocultural groups tend to perceive themselves as a sacrifice of value claims from the other sociocultural groups. The sociocultural integration based on civil identification, secular values and the rule of law reduces ethnic tensions. It is associated with a high level of solidarity and security. In the North Caucasus region, the main task of the sociocultural integration is the rationalization of ethno-social contradictions during conflict transformation. The sociocultural integration is interpreted as a way to resolve the ethnic conflicts through the consensus and compromise and as a tool of ethnicity inclusion in the symbolic space of civil identity. The essential feature of the sociocultural integration is its ability to transform destructive identity-based conflicts.

Key words: identity-based  conflicts,  sociocultural  integration,  conflict  resolution, traditionalization, ethnicity politicization.

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Sociocultural Integration and the Problems of Identity-Based Conflicts’ Resolution: a Regional Aspect by Popov M.E. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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