Sirotkin Yu.L. The Space-Time Continuum in the Postmodern Paradigm: J. Deleuze (1926–1995)


Yuri L. Sirotkin
Candidate of Sciences (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology and Psychology of the Kazan Law Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Magistralnaya St, 35, 420108 Kazan, Russian Federation
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Abstract. According to the author, J. Deleuze enriches the postmodern paradigm of space-time continuum analysis with original ideas about space, time, and duration (extension) as properties of the world. Psychologism in the interpretation of time-space is indicated. Time is interpreted as a relation, the sign of which is becoming. Attention is drawn to the fact that processality is provided by eventfulness; events have specific differences and act as neutral singularities that form history. It is noted that time is personal and events as signs and relationships are actualized in the time of the ego. The article reveals Deleuze's rationale for two times: one – present, the other – past and future; one – cyclical, the other – linear (the time of Chronos and the time of EON). It is emphasized that the present is an elusive being of the mind; it is the field of action of historical individuality, which is characterized by an infinity of analytical or synthetic propositions that are self-determined in space-time. The synthesis of time rests on habit, which is the basis of the passing present. Justifies the time memory. It is argued that the present for Deleuze is a simulacrum present in appearances; it dissolves in the past and future. The author reveals the philosopher's conviction in the subjectivity of time, which asserts the priority of the present as existing. The unconscious ends the history of time, shifting the center and periphery, which cease to exist. The influence of depth and distance on the perception of space is noted; time is perceived as an axis, as a form of mental activity, as a bundle of "I" and "My I", as an Affect. The dependence of individual perception on national and cultural affiliation was found. Attention is drawn to the incorporation of time - space into the spiritual world of man. The conclusion is made about the anthropological nature of the space-time continuum in Deleuze's epistemological constructions. Space-time is analyzed through the concepts that form the basis of Deleuze's philosophical discourse, as an attempt to go beyond the established ideas about the space-time continuum.
Key words: time, space, anthropology, relation, becoming, event, difference, repetition.

Citation. Sirotkin Yu.L. The Space-Time Continuum in the Postmodern Paradigm: J. Deleuze (1926–1995). Logos et Praxis, 2021, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 49-59. (in Russian). DOI:

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