Chernysheva N.S. To a Question of Social Dynamics of Migration Processes: World and Russian Transformations

Nаide S. Chernysheva
Candidate of Sciences (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Social Policy, P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University
Sovetskaya St, 10, 150000 Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
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Annotation. The conceptual basis of the article is based on the following position: in modern conditions of innovative development of social systems (both international and national), the structure of migration processes loses the quality of the first position, migration becomes an integral part of its everyday life. The analysis of the social dynamics of migration processes, the strategies of migrants against the background of intensified risks and uncertainty in the receiving side is of particular relevance. The article presents statistical data of the Population Division of the UN international organization – a member of the Global Group on Migration, on the ratio of the number of migrants and the total population on a global scale, as well as the number and share of immigrants in gender and geographic context, a review of scientific foreign and domestic literature is carried out. which reflects the assessments of the features of horizontal movements in recent decades, describes the behavioral strategies of migrants, representatives of a foreign cultural environment. The author’s theoretical multifactor model is presented, aimed at identifying promising areas for further research, reflecting the escalation of the impact of migration flows and the increase in the confrontational component as a counter strategy on the part of local, local communities in the course of intergroup interaction. The paper also provides statistical information on migration growth in the Russian Federation, interprets data from all-Russian research projects collected by a survey method, and a sociological survey of residents of the Yaroslavl region, characterizing the situation of migrants, their involvement in the functioning of economic sectors in the views of Russian residents (at the regional level), as well as revealing the content of relations between local communities with visiting representatives of a foreign cultural environment. An empirical study made it possible to draw a conclusion about the ambivalent response of the residents of the receiving country to the volumes of migration flows and the strategies of migrants. The author substantiated that multiple scaling of the probability of the conflict component in the socio-cultural interaction of the receiving party and arriving representatives of a foreign cultural environment requires a comprehensive implementation of programs for mutual adaptation of the above-named entities, agreed by government agencies and non-profit organizations as parity partners.
Key words: migration processes, intensification, dynamics, intergroup interactions, local community, representative of a foreign cultural environment, behavioral strategies.
Citation. Chernysheva N.S. To a Question of Social Dynamics of Migration Processes: World and Russian Transformations. Logos et Praxis, 2021, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 89-99. (in Russian). DOI:

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To a Question of Social Dynamics of Migration Processes: World and Russian Transformations by Chernysheva N.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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