Gorbachev M.V. Social Danger of Minors as a Challenge to the National Security of Modern Russia

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lp.jvolsu.2020.3.8
Mikhail V. Gorbachev
Doctor of Sciences (Politics), Associate Professor, Department of Russian Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Shuvalov's Building, Lomonosov Prospekt, 27, Bld. 4, 119192 Moscow, Russian Federation
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Abstract. The socially dangerous situation of minors is one of the most acute and at the same time difficult to solve problems of modern society. In different forms, it takes place in almost all countries of the modern world. The Russian Federation is no exception. The significant economic stratification of Russian society, the growing social inequality, the constant increase in the number of citizens living below the poverty line and a number of other equally important factors create conditions for an increase in the number of minors in a socially dangerous situation. The system of prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency carries out measures for monitoring, accounting, preventive work with the designated social group. The emphasis is on the socio-economic and socio-psychological consequences of the socially dangerous situation of minors. The socio-political aspects of the socially dangerous situation of minors are hardly taken into account. The article is devoted to the study of the socially dangerous situation of minors through the prism of modern challenges to the national security of Russia. The article examines the reasons for the formation of a socially dangerous situation of minors. The possible consequences of a further increase in the number of minors in a socially dangerous situation were identified and described in relation to public and State institutions. The article identifies the challenges to the national security of modern Russia, which may come from the social environment of minors in a socially dangerous situation. New mechanisms of ensuring national security of modern Russia, taking into account the interests of minors in socially dangerous situation, are conceptualized. The empirical base of the article is the data of the system of prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency (2017-2018), data of indices of social and economic development of the subjects of the Russian Federation (for the same period of time). The methodological basis of the article is the author's approach, which implies a combination of the theoretical foundations of the system of prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency with the conceptual provisions of the theory of national security.
Key words: minors, socially dangerous situation of minors, the challenges of national security, structure of national, security system national security.

Social Danger of Minors as a Challenge to the National Security of Modern Russia by Gorbachev M.V. is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International

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