Belén Zárate Rivero, Montserrat Gas-Aixendri. Family as a Source of Intergenerational Solidarity. Special Attitude to Senior Societies: Example of Spain [Belén Zárate Rivero, Montserrat Gas-Aixendri. La Familia como Fuente de las Relaciones Intergeneracio


Belén Zárate Rivero

Doctor en Ciencias (Derecho), Profesor titular de derecho, Director del Departamento de Filosofía del Derecho, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Barcelona, España)
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Immaculada Cl., 22, 08017 Barcelona, España

Montserrat Gas-Aixendri

Doctor en Ciencias (Derecho), Profesor titular de derecho, Director del Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Familia, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Barcelona, España)
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Immaculada Cl., 22, 08017 Barcelona, España

Abstract. Methodological basis of the study includes approaches to intergenerational solidarity. The following issues were studied: stability of family values, processes of mutual assistance and solidarity between different generations, family impact on the individual well-being of its members, main conflicts arising in the family, family and friendly relations, attitude to other generations, gratitude and sense of equality, health, leisure, using ICT, availability of paid work, participation in social and political as well as volunteer activities, social capital, idea of oldness etc. The quota sampling (sample size - 629 interviews) was based on the distribution of elderly population aged 65 to 74 years in Spain (including the islands). The only distortion of the theoretical sampling was inability to build it on quotas that would accurately reflect the distribution of the selected age population with children, since official statistic data are unavailable to the public on the number of parents with children by age group. Locations of interviews were chosen randomly, taking into account the distribution of the elderly population aged 65 to 74 years across the country, divided into autonomous regions (17) and locations (5 types). Selection process was based on 85 indicators. Territorial areas and within them streets for interviews were also randomly selected according to each indicator within the selected locations. Numbers of buildings and floors were chosen randomlyto search for individuals matching the sampling (meeting the quota requirements), and then they were interviewed. The following conclusion was made: the value of individualism is growing in society, family solidarity helps older people to overcome many psychological and social problems.

Key words: institute of family, social groups, family solidarity, intergenerational solidarity, solidarity index, statistics, elderly people.

 Creative Commons License

Family as a Source of Intergenerational Solidarity. Special Attitude to Senior Societies: Example of Spain by Belén Zárate Rivero, Montserrat Gas-Aixendri is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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