Smoligovets O.S. Possibilities of Development Technologies of Contemporary Science Subject: Philosophical Grounds and Regulatory Requirements


Oleg S. Smoligovets

Postgraduate Student, Department of Philosophy, Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The paper suggests the search for ways of development of modern science subject in the context of post-non-classical scientific rationality. The logic of the functioning of science as a system assumes that the activities of the subjects perform the regulatory function of the whole system. The development of the subject of science appears as a systemic problem, which includes not only professional development, but also the formation of multidimensional responsibility of scientists, which is manifested both in the interaction of science and society, and in the processes taking place within the science itself. The subject of technological impact is not an individual scientist or a team, but an integrated system, which is the science itself. The author concludes that such a system should have the status of a subject (metasubject), since its effects on scientists are manifested not as a determination, but as the opening of the space of freedom, the preservation of uncertainty in the system. Social technologies are relied upon as a mechanism for the formation and maintenance of metasubject status of science. Social technologies are supposed to be extremely flexible, because in the semantic space of science as a subject there is a higher level of freedom and subjectivity. The key technological requirement here is the growth of autonomy of the subject, which voluntarily and interestedly moves into the sphere of metasubject science. The potential of such a subject implies the requirement to identify the hidden potential of the system state. The notion of metasubject denotes a higher level of subjectivity than individuals and groups (subjects in the traditional sense). Metasubject acts as a source of space of scientific intersubjectivity. As a fundamental requirement for the activity of the subject of science the author points out the need to update the solution of strategic tasks on a par with the current ones. Taking into consideration all the stated above the study specifies a number of post-non-classical rationality norms: cognition is understood as a subject-subject process; reflection on the value measurement of knowledge is assumed; the self-developing nature of cognizable systems is postulated; the necessity of correlation of three forms of subjectivity in science (personality, collective, Institute); the communicative basis of human existence, the need to rely on the principle of cooperation is realized; understanding is fixed as a method of modern science; the nature of the connection between fundamental and applied research is clarified; the requirement of the analysis of knowledge riskiness is put forward.

Key words: science, technology, subject, post-non-classical rationality, intersubjectivity.


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Possibilities of Development Technologies of Contemporary Science Subject: Philosophical Grounds and Regulatory Requirements by Smoligovets O.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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