Alikin V.A. The category of happiness in the context of the philosophy of game


Viktor Anatolyevich Alikin

Candidate of  Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Information Science,

Novocherkassk Institute of Reclamation Engineering named after A.K. Kortunov, Branch of  Donskoy State Agrarian University

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Pushkinskaya St., 111, 346428 Novocherkassk, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article discusses the importance of game in achieving human happiness, and to what extent, happiness is the result of rational activity or spontaneous creativity. The main philosophical problem of happiness is the understanding – how happiness is predetermined by spiritual or material satisfaction of a man. From the point of view of knowledge, this problem is converted to an alternative between the objective determinism and the creative nature of happiness. Happiness, as an objective spiritual being, makes human life meaningful and morally oriented, but remains fundamentally unknowable and forces the person to conflict with its material nature. Happiness, as the satisfaction of material needs, makes human life more obvious, emotionally rich, but behind this consumption, the holistic image of human being is lost, and for it a man save himself in the world through the consumption. There is the need for the harmonization of the spiritual and material satisfaction. The game is the most important element, whereby it becomes possible. Firstly, it creates real material objects, which are not obeyed to utilitarian logic, but the ideals. So the usual things in the game become symbols and signs by which the man describes his spiritual world. Secondly, the game, thanks to free imagination, creates a new understanding of happiness, which can be realized just by means of rational activity. Thirdly, the gaming imagination makes a man happy in game. In this case, happiness becomes the subject of free creativity without regard to its nature and without any additional rational activity for its realization.

Key words: happiness, game, creativity, imagination, activity, spiritual and material, freedom and predetermination.

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The category of happiness in the context of the philosophy of game by Alikin V.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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