Vinogradova N.L., Leontyeva E.Yu. Scientrometrics in Social and Humanitarian Knowledge: Efficiency Indicator or Pursuit for Numbers


Nadezhda Leonidovna Vinogradova

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Department of Philosophy,

Volgograd State Technical University

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Prosp. Lenina, 28, 400005 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Elena Yuryevna Leontyeva

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Philosophy,

Volgograd State Technical University

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Prosp. Lenina, 28, 400005 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article discusses the topical issue of scientometric evaluation of scientific activities, in particular, the issue of the scientist carrying out teaching activities in higher education institutions. The author’s vision of the difference scientometric assessments of natural and social sciences and humanities is presented in the article. It is proposed to evaluate the teacherscientist’s work by the criteria of the number of hours spent in the classroom. The author makes conclusion that the scientific activities in the social and human sciences can be measured, and the basis of this measurement should be represented by the number of direct and relevant communication between the teacher and students. For the high school teachers it implies the work in the classroom and peer review. For researchers it means “live” participation in scientific events.

Key words: scientometrics, socio-humanitarian knowledge, spiritual activity, direct communication, dialogue.

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Scientrometrics in Social and Humanitarian Knowledge: Efficiency Indicator or Pursuit for Numbers by Vinogradova N.L., Leontyeva E.Yu. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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