Glushchenko V.V. Labour in the Beginning of Human History


Vitaliy Vitalyevich Glushchenko

Postgraduate Student, Department of Philosophy, Political Science and Law,

Krasnodar State Institute of Culture

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40-letiya Pobedy St., 33, 350072 Krasnodar, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article develops B.F. Porshnev’s conception on the Beginning of human history. Using dialectical method, the author highlights some of features of Labour in the Beginning of human history. The article provides new arguments in favor of the theory of primitive man’s “instinctive labour”. The research of the issue involves the latest materials of the foreign anthropology, such as “Evidence of Lévy walk foraging patterns in human huntergatherers” (Raichlen et al.), the results of research on plant domestication, the study of ancient Indian literary monument “Rigveda” by Russian philologist T. Elizarenkova, as well as data of psychological classical works by J. Piaget and L. Vygotsky. It argues that the primitive labour does not have the personal subject because the subject is a common suggestion. At the beginning of human history, a sense of human community defines the purpose of work, but people are not aware of this process. The author carries out a comparative analysis of the contents of Primitive Labour and Marx’s Modern Labour concepts and reveals primitive “instinctive labour” which is included into the modern labour as its integral part. The article concludes that the content of the Labour at the Beginning of Human history concept is opposite to the content of the Modern Labour concept.

Key words: labour, sociality, evolution, paleolithic paleopsychology, suggestion, beginning of human history.

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Labour in the Beginning of Human History by Glushchenko V.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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