Khomutova N.N. The Role of Person’s Self-Awareness in the Development of Civilization


Natalуa Nikolaevna Khomutova

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social and Human Sciences, Economics and Law,

Northwest State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

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Prosp. Piskarevskiy, 47, 195067 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Abstract. Modern society cannot be understood without an analysis of the personality. This analysis was carried out historically, but the impact of modern technology on the person and its activities significantly alter the picture of society. At the present stage the history needs to be analyzed in relation to its structural shifts, the values of the personality and its activities. The article deals with the transformation of personality and subjectivity in the modern world. The article deals with the game as a social and cultural phenomenon in a society, being a comprehensive phenomenon, consisting of various types of activity. The position of the author of the article is in the idea that the activity and integrity can be formed only in the axiological development of the individual. The author discusses the value of personal selfimprovement and states that the prospects of the country’s development are inextricably connected to the spiritual elevation of the society and Patriotic upbringing of the youth. The paper analyzes the problem of personality as a subject of socialization. The article explains the importance of civic identity in the process of socialization in the new environment. Will Russia remain the people with its own culture or will it disappear in the anonymity depending on the relationship to its own culture? This article analyzes social and psychological phenomena such as patriotism and citizenship, which have a direct impact on society.

Key words: personality, creativity, values, society, technological determinism, selfawareness, patriotism.

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The Role of Person’s Self-Awareness in the Development of Civilization by Khomutova N.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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