Solodukho M.N. Specifics of Concept as a Form of Knowledge

Margarita Natanovna Solodukho

Postgraduate Student, Department of Philosophy,

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev

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K. Marksa St., 10, 420111 Kazan, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article reveals general trends in the evolution of the concept of philosophy. It is shown that situational concept is connected with the ambiguity of its manifestations and context of use. It may be something more conceptual or closer to the notion. With this in mind, the author formulated a philosophical definition of the concept as a transitional form to the concept of representation.

Key words: concept, notion, idea, perceptual cognition, rational cognition, forms of cognition.

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Specifics of Concept as a Form of Knowledge by Solodukho M.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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