Savelyeva O.O. Advertising in Urban Space: the Use of Language of Contemporary Art

Savelyeva Olga Olegovna
Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Department of Integrated Communications, National Research University Higher School of Economics
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Myasnitskaya St., 20, 101000 Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract. The author analyzes the forms of interrelations between advertising and art and proves that new aspects of such interaction form on the basis of so called "contemporary art". This new language is characterized by the substitution of a piece of art by an art object, the use of non-standard (for art) materials, direct interactivity, immediate and direct feedback from the audience. The article reveals the directions and techniques of contemporary art which take part in forming urban environment nowadays. Main object of the research is outdoor urban advertising. The author analyzes the promotion of advertising beyond the limits of designated surfaces (ambient advertising), and advertising street art. The article also deals with the examples of advertising installations, performances and happenings. Special attention is paid to interactive urban advertising. The approaches and techniques borrowed from contemporary art let advertisers reduce audience's negative reaction to urban advertising. On the other hand, the elements of contemporary art used in advertising introduce this art into everyday life of urban citizens, thus easing its comprehension.

Key words: urban advertising, art, contemporary art, outdoor advertising, ambient advertising, interactive advertising.

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Advertising in Urban Space: the Use of Language of Contemporary Art by Savelyeva O.O. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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